30 Oct 2012

Push and Pull

A girl on the swing moves forward and upwards.

Baby stroller moves forward.

Wondering how can it be happening? In fact, these actions involve pushes an pulls which is known as forces. Push or pull is an action moving an object away.

As we can see that this video shows that a box is being pushed.
A pull action is illustrated below.

24 Oct 2012

Environment Destruction

Human activities cause many impacts on our environment and the Earth. Many forests are cleared to develope  residents and farm which cause destruction of environment. Destruction such as

  • soil erosion and land slides

  • flash floods

  • water pollution

  • air pollution

Solution to reduce destruction of the environment

  • Enforcing law to stop illegal and excessive logging
  • planting new trees after logging
  • good planning for future development

18 Oct 2012

Vanished and Endangered

Extinction of Animals
  1. An animals which no longer exist is called extinct animal. 
  2. Extinction happens when all animals of that species dies.
  3. Example of animals that are extinct : dinosaur, dodo bird, and mammoth.

Dinosaur and mammoth become extinct because of the change of climate on the earth
Dodo Bird
The dodo bird is no longer exist because of the human activities such as excessive hunting and destruction of habitats.

Endangered species
  1. Endangered species means that  animals and plants that are getting fewer and eventually become extinct. Hence, action is needed to protect the rare animal and plant species.
  2. Example of animals that are rare : Orang Utan and Panda. 
  3. Example of rare plants : Rafflesia and pitcher plant.
Orang Utan

Pitcher Plant

Animals and plants that are endangered

Human activities
  1. Human activities are the reason that cause animals ad plants are facing the threat of extinction.
  2. Illegal excessive logging
Excessive logging
  • Human cut down trees to get wood, clear land and farming.
  • Cause many habitats to be destroyed- No food and shelter.
     3.  Illegal and excessive hunting

Illegal hunting
  • many animals die without the chance to breed and reproduce.
  • Examples: Hunters kill tiger for skins while elephant for tusks.
Tiger skin
Elephant trusks
     4.  Excessive development

  • People clear forest for housing and and more land as development.

15 Oct 2012

Unit 1 Interaction Living things (Worksheet)

1 ) Which of the following is true about solitary animals ?

A ) They share their food.
B ) They live in small groups.
C ) They hunt for food together.
D ) They have their own territory.

2 ) Why do solitary animals usually compete to be in control of a territory?

A ) To invite more animals into its territory.
B ) To protect the limited food and space.
C ) To provide food for their own species.
D ) To prove the dominant characteristic.

3 ) The following statement shows a situation.

A herd of bulls can gore a fierce tiger to death.
Which of the following is true about the statement ?

A) Bulls are solitary animals.
B) A bull is always tougher than a tiger.
C) Bulls protect themselves by hunting for the same food.
D) A herd of bulls are capable of protecting themselves from their enemy.

4) Which is the following animals has undergone extinction?

A) Lion
B) Monkey
C) Elephant
D) Dodo bird

5) Which of the following is the reason why lions live in a group?

A) To eat lesser food.
B) To protect their young.
C) To protect themselves from their prey.
D) To protect the tougher animals in the habitat.

6) What is meant by interaction among living things?

A) The interaction among the same species of living things.
B) The interaction between different species of living things .
C) The interaction among living things that live in the same habitat.
D) The interaction among livings to obtain their limited basic needs.

7) Which of the following statements is true about competition among living things?

A) Turtle compete to secure a suitable place to lay their eggs by the shore.
B) Male deer fight among themselves for shelter.
C) Trees in forest grow tall to obtain sufficient sunlight.
D) The Young bryophyllum leaves that grow on the adult leaf will compete for water only.

8 ) The following information shows the basic needs of animals.

P – Food
Q – Sunlight
R – Mate
S – Shelter
Which among P,Q,R and S give rise to competition among animals?

A) Q and R only
B) Q and S only
C) P, Q and R only
D) P, R and S only

9) Which of the following basic needs causes competition among plants

I Sunlight
II Carbon dioxide
III Space
IV Water

A) II and IV only
B) III and IV only
C) I, II and III only
D) I,III and IV only

10) Conservation of the living things means

A) to preserve and maintain living things.
B) to ban illegal hunting in forests
C) to encourage reforestation.
D) to care for living things.

1)D 2)B 3)D 4)D 5)C 6)D 7)A 8)D 9)D 10)A

8 Oct 2012

Plants Competition

Plants compete among each other in the same habitat in order to survive.

The plant compete for different factors such as:

a) Sunlight

b) Water

c) Nutrient

d) Space

Competition among plants become more intense if more plants grow in an area. Hence, competition of plants in jungle is more intense than in field.

Plants in the rain forest

  • Do not grow equally fast because they receive different a mounts of water and sunlight.
  • Each plant will try to grow taller to get more light
  • Plants with woody stem will be more successful in the competition for light.
  • Eg : the money plant uses its clasping roots to attach itself to the trunk of a tree.

When competition occurs, the plant that receives enough sunlight, water and nutrient grow better than plants that insufficient of necessities.

3 Oct 2012

Animals Interaction

a) Animals interact with either same or different species for different reasons.

1.      Food and water
  • Competition for food and water occurs when the sources of food and water are limited. 
  • The more limited the resources, the more intense the competition.
  • If the food abundant, animals do not need to compete

2.      Mate
  • Happens among the same species during mating session.
  • To ensure the survival of their species.


3.     Shelter and territory

  • Occur when animals are looking for shelter or defending their own territory.
  • Need to be in control of certain territory that provides them with food, water and shelter.